A scouting party from the Night's Watch learns that the wildlings are uniting under "King-beyond-the-Wall" Mance Rayder. Explore Megan Trout's board "A Clash of Kings", followed by 116 people on Pinterest. After the death of his brother, King Robert Baratheon, Lord Stannis wants to conquer the Seven Kingdoms as their rightful king.

Tyrion Lannister, Joffrey's uncle, arrives at the capital city of King's Landing as acting Hand of the King, the senior adviser to Joffrey's reign. Japanese: Two volumes, hardcover : Hayakawa (2004), paperback : Hayakawa (2007): "王狼たちの戦旗" ("Banner of the Wolf Kings"), Korean: Eun Haeng Namu Publishing Co. :"왕들의 전쟁" ("War of Kings"), Latvian: Whitebook: "Karaļu cīņa" ("War of Kings"), Lithuanian: Alma Littera "Karalių kova" ("A Battle of Kings"), Norwegian: Two volumes (2012) 'Bok II Del I: Kongenes kamp' (Book II Part I: The Battle of Kings) and 'Bok II Del II: Dragenes dronning' (Book II Part II: The Queen of Dragons), Brazilian Portuguese: Leya: "A Fúria dos Reis" ("Wrath of the Kings"), European Portuguese: Two Volumes, Saída de Emergência : "A Fúria dos Reis", "O Despertar da Magia".

See more ideas about a clash of kings, a song of ice and fire, game of thrones art. Swedish: Forum bokförlag: "Kungarnas krig" ("War of the Kings"), Turkish: Two volumes, Epsilon Yayınevi: "Buz ve Ateşin Şarkısı II: Kralların Çarpışması - Kısım I & Kralların Çarpışması - Kısım II" ("A Clash of Kings"), Ukrainian: One volume, KM Publishing (2014): "Битва Королів" ("A Clash of Kings"), Vietnamese: Two volumes: "Trò Chơi Vương Quyền 2A: Hậu Duệ Của Sư Tử Vàng", "Trò Chơi Vương Quyền 2B: Bảy Phụ Quốc". Stannis's victory seems to be assured, until Tywin Lannister arrives with his army and the Tyrell forces, defeating Stannis.

However, the Bolton soldiers turn against the Stark and Greyjoy forces alike, burn Winterfell, slaughter its inhabitants, and take Theon prisoner. Explore andrea Richards's board "A Clash of Kings" on Pinterest. Dynamite Entertainment releases George R.R. Six factions struggle for control of a divided land and the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms, preparing to stake their claims through tempest, turmoil, and war.